About Us
Aroma Office is a social enterprise specialised in tailor-made aromatic experiences to support diverse stakeholders in pursuing various ESG initiatives (Environmental, Social and Governance).
Inspired by the interconnectivity between community, environment and wellness, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations, we have been co-creating social impact workshops and programmes with educational institutes, corporates and non-profit making organisations to cultivate public awareness of environmental conservation, nurture quality education, creativity and well-being, and empower marginalised communities since 2019.
With the generous support from the Home Affairs Department (HAD), HKSARG, The University of Hong Kong (HKU) and Partnerships for Community Development (PCD), we established an Herbal Garden in 2022 at Gold Coast, Tuen Mun. The herbs and spices are organically grown and harvested to support our artisanal production processes.
社會企業香公所致力為客戶量身定做五感主導的香味體驗項目,以回應其環保、社會和企業管治 (ESG) 的不同需求。
受聯合國可持續發展目標 (SDGs) 及社區凝聚力量的啟發,自2019年起,香公所與教育機構、商界及非牟利機構合作舉辦不同的工作坊和項目,培養公眾環保意識、提倡平等教育和精神健康及協助邊緣社群自力更生。
在香港特別行政區民政事務總署、香港大學及社區伙伴的慷慨支持下,香公所於2022年在屯門黃金海岸建設香草園 Herbal Garden,支持本地有機農業生態圈及提供天然材料作不同用途。
Our studio is located in 99COMMONS, a brand-new creative workplace and community in Tuen Mun. The venue can accommodate 10 to15 people for various artistic collaborations and scent-making experiences.
Herbal Garden is adjacent to Tuen Mun Gold Coast, providing a series of natural farming and food and agriculture education experiences. Please contact us for any enquiries.
Herbal Garden